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Registration & Costs 2023

BOPSS Oxford registration closed – fully booked.

There is NO on site registration for this meeting as it is fully booked.

Please do not email to request tickets as we cannot accept anyone else for the meeting.

Please do not turn up to register on site as you will not be able to register or gain access to the meeting.

Who should register

All attendees, including invited speakers, session chairman and guests, must register in advance of the Meeting. If you are not a member of BOPSS or have not attended BOPSS before, you must first create a user account on the website to register and then pay to attend the meeting. Use the button below to access the registration page.


Registration options

Please ensure that you select the correct option. We will check all applications to ensure that you have registered at the correct rate. The early bird rate option closes at 12 noon on 16th May 2023.

BOPSS full/associate member – you have been accepted as a BOPSS member (Full or Associate) and your membership subscription is up to date.

BOPSS trainee member – you have been accepted as a BOPSS trainee member and your membership subscription is up to date. Please note that acceptance as a member can take up to eight weeks.

Consultant Ophthalmologist Non BOPSS member

Non-Consultant Ophthalmologist – this rate applies to SAS grades, subspecialty trainees, postgraduate, clinical and research fellows, trust grade doctors.

Allied Professional – applies only to ophthalmic nurses, orthoptists, optometrists, orbital prosthetists, ophthalmic health professional staff, medical students and Foundation Doctors (and proof of status ie a photo copy of your hospital ID or letter from your University is required). This rate does not apply to medics


Registration guidance

Log into your user account on the website (or if you do not have an account you can create a user account). Member payment options will appear once you are logged in and your membership subscription is up to date. You pay via the website using a credit or debit card through Stripe. We do not take cheque or cash payments.

There are two fees payable if you want to attend ALL three days of the meeting. If you want to attend on Wednesday only (Update & Recent Advances Day), you must select this option and pay the fee. There is no option to pay a daily rate for Thursday or Friday. The “meeting fee” refers to Thursday and Friday only (does not include Wednesday), so please select this option and pay that fee. Select both options and pay both fees if you want to attend all three days.

The reception on Wednesday evening is free for all delegates. Please select this option if you are planning on attending so we can cater accordingly.

This year’s gala dinner will take place at the Divinity School, Bodleian Library. This is a BLACK-TIE event (Black tie or national dress). Please note that tickets for this year’s Gala Dinner and disco are now sold out.

Early bird registration has now closed.

Registration fees

Ticket, Early fee (up to noon 16th May) , Late fee (from noon 16th May)

Update day on Wednesday (19th July)
All except for two exceptions below (trainee members & allied professionals), £130, £160
Update day on Wednesday for trainee BOPSS member, £100, £130
Update day on Wednesday for allied professional, £100, £130

Scientific meeting on Thursday (20th July) & Friday (21st July)
BOPSS full and associate members, £320, £390
Consultant Ophthalmologist (Non BOPSS subscribing member), £380, £450
Non-Consultant Ophthalmologist (SAS / trainee non-member / Fellow / Trust Grade), £270, £340
BOPSS Trainee member, £200, £270
Allied Professionals Rate (ID proof required), £200, £270

Gala Dinner and dance (Black tie or national dress) full ticket 20th July, £100, £100 SOLD OUT
(This ticket includes the dance/disco)

Gala “disco only tickets” from 10 pm (Black tie or national dress) ticket 20th July, £15, £15

Reception on 19th July, foc, foc

Dietary requirements

We are unable to cater for individual tastes or preferences. We will provide a meat, fish, and vegetarian option each day. If you require the vegetarian, vegan or halal option, please indicate this in the dietary requirements field so we can order accordingly. If you have a food allergy (such as nut) or require gluten free please state this in the “other” dietary field.



Once you have paid, the receipt is available online in your BOPSS user account as a pdf file to print off as required.


Cancellation and refund policy

The Society will offer a 100% refund if you cancel before 01st May 2023, 50% refund if you cancel before 31st May 2023. 75% refund if you cancel before 30th June 2023. No refund after 1st July 2023.

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BOPSS-Meeting 2023