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Oxford 2023 Programme

Update & Recent Advances Day

Wednesday 19th July 2023
Keble College Oxford


08.30 Registration in Sloane Robinson Foyer followed by tea, coffee and pastries and exhibition in the Marquee and e-posters in ARCO

09.00 Trainees meet the BOPSS executive team in ARCO

09.30 All lectures in Lecture Theatre, Sloane Robinson Building
Welcome, housekeeping and introductions
jonathan norrisMr. Jonathan Norris, Oxford

09.40 Session I
Chaired by
Saul RajakMr Saul Rajak, Brighton &
Tristan McMullanMr. Tristan McMullan, Northampton

09.40 KEYNOTE: Periocular SCC: Management of perineural spread
Dinesh SelvaProf. Dinesh Selva, Australia

10.10 Lid contour in ptosis surgery
Dr. Dan Rootman, Canada – virtual

10.25 Ptosis in the east asian eyelid
Dr Wendy Lee, Miami – virtual

10.40 Anaesthesia for Oculoplastic surgery: how to safely navigate the twilight zone
Sumit DasDr. Sumit Das, Consultant Anaesthetist, Oxford

10.55 Questions

11.15 Tea, Coffee at the trade exhibition in the Marquee and e-posters in ARCO

11.45 Session II
Chaired by
Mr David Verity, London

& Miss Zanna Currie, Sheffield

11.45 Interesting orbital cases
Mr. David Verity, London

12.00 IgG4 Disease; unknown unknowns
Dr Emma Culver, Clinical Lecturer in Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Oxford

12.15 Lymphoproliferative disease in a nutshell
Dr Chris Hatton, Consultant Haematologist, Oxford

12.30 KEYNOTE: Orbital implants
Dr David JordanProf. David Jordan, Canada

13.00 – 14.10
Lunch break in Dining Hall (visit trade exhibition in the Marquee and e-posters in ARCO)

14.15 Session III
Facial Disfigurement
Chaired by
Michèle BeaconsfieldMiss Michèle Beaconsfield, London

14.15 Changing Faces overview
Susan RossMs Susan Ross, Head of Education & Learning, Changing Faces

14.25 The impact of visible difference on mental health and wellbeing
JohnJohn, Changing Faces campaigner

14.45 Orbital prosthetics
Stefan-EdmondsonMr Stefan Edmundson, Consultant Prosthetist, Birmingham

15.05 Evidence-based psychosocial support to meet the needs of patients with appearance-related concerns
Diana HarcourtProfessor Diana Harcourt,
Professor of Appearance & Health Psychology, Centre for Appearance Research (CAR), Bristol

15.30 Tea, Coffee at the trade exhibition in the Marquee and e-posters in ARCO

16.00 Session IV
Chaired by
Saj-AtaullahMr Saj Ataullah, Manchester

anjana-haridasMiss Anjana Haridas, Cardiff

16.00 Ocular surface disease: a systematic approach
raman malhotraMr. Raman Malhotra, East Grinstead

16.15 Lacrimal sac masses and their management
anjana-haridasMiss Anjana Haridas, Cardiff

16.30 Masqueraders of the watery eye
raman malhotraMr. Raman Malhotra, East Grinstead

16.45 The ENT surgeon in the oculoplastic theatre
Mr. Pablo Martinez-Devesa, ENT Surgeon, Oxford

17.00 Questions and discussion

17.30 Meeting Close

17.45 Welcome Reception at the Oxford University Natural History Museum

19.15 Close and evening free



Scientific Programme

Day one

Thursday 20th July 2023
Keble College Oxford


08.00 Registration in Sloane Robinson reception with tea, coffee, and pastries at the trade exhibition in the Marquee and e-posters in ARCO

08.45 All lectures in Lecture Theatre, Sloane Robinson Building
Welcome, housekeeping and introductions
jonathan norrisMr. Jonathan Norris, Oxford

08.55 Session I
Chaired by
vickie leeMiss Vickie Lee, London &
Rebecca-FordMiss Rebecca Ford, Bristol

08.55 The changing landscape of TED therapies
vickie leeMiss Vickie Lee, London

09.15 Rituximab in TED
Mario SalviDr Mario Salvi, Milan

09.35 Immunosuppression Pearls in Thyroid Eye Disease
Dr Joel David, Consultant Rheumatologist, Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre, Oxford

09.55 Cosmetic surgery in TED
bijan beigiMr Bijan Beigi, Norwich

10.15 Orbital Decompression surgery; what’s new?
Dr. Dan Rootman, Canada – virtual

10.35 Questions

10.50 Tea, Coffee at the trade exhibition in the Marquee and e-posters in ARCO

11.20 Session II
Free Papers
Chaired by
Anne-CookMiss Anne Cook, Manchester &
Colin VizeMr Colin Vize, Hull

11.25 am
Investigating the presence of peer bias against ptosis in young children 101
Emily Leathers-Smith (view abstract)
Department of Psychological Medicine, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

11:30 am
Automated triage of oculoplastics referrals using artificial intelligence 102
Christopher Schulz (view abstract)
University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust

11:35 am
Direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) in Oculoplastic Surgery: To stop or not? 103
Stephanie J Chiu (view abstract)
Royal Hallamshire Hospital / Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

11:40 am
Success of Dacryocystorhinostomy surgery for patients with Functional Nasolacrimal Duct Obstruction 104
Emma McAllister (view abstract)
Queen Elizabeth University Hospital

11:45 am
Think beyond dermatochalasis: a clinico-pathological series of blepharoplasty specimens through the decade. 105
Christine A Putri (view abstract)
Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Litigation in oculoplastic surgery within the National Health Service in England 106
Alexander Tanner (view abstract)
University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust

11:55 am
Comparison of periocular aesthetic ageing extent in renaissance paintings from the Italian versus Northern European Schools 107
Oshin Bansal (view abstract)
Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

12.00 KEYNOTE: This is how I do it; surgical video vignettes
Dinesh SelvaProf. Dinesh Selva, Australia

12.30 – 13.45
Lunch break – when not in dining hall visit exhibitors in the marquee, e-posters and video station in ARCO rooms

12.30 – 13.00
Sitting 1 in Dining Hall = red lunch ticket – starter & main in Dining Hall, pudding & coffee in marquee

13.10 – 13.45
Sitting 2 in Dining Hall = yellow lunch ticket – all courses in Dining Hall

13.50 Session III
Chaired by
jonathan norrisMr Jonathan Norris, Oxford &
Tristan McMullanMr Tristan McMullan, Northampton

13.50 My experience of being a medicolegal expert witness (1993-2023)
Brian LeatherbarrowMr. Brian Leatherbarrow, Manchester

14.15 Q & A

14.20 Hero to Zero 1
Ric CaesarMr. Ric Caesar, Cheltenham

14.35 Hero to Zero 2
raman malhotraMr. Raman Malhotra, East Grinstead

14.50 Hero to Zero 3
Geoff RoseProf. Geoff Rose, London

15.05 Hero to Zero 4
Naresh JoshiMr. Naresh Joshi, London

15.20 Q & A

15.30 Tea, Coffee at the trade exhibition in the Marquee and e-posters in ARCO

16.00 Session IV
Case discussions (refer to email for your assigned room)
Moderated by
jonathan norrisMr. Jonathan Norris, Oxford
Tristan McMullanMr Tristan McMullan, Northampton
(Douglas Price and seminar rooms)

Bernie ChangMr Bernie Chang, Leeds

& Ms. Deepa Rathore, Northampton

(O’Reilly Lecture Theatre)

16.50 KEYNOTE: Dysmorphia in oculoplastics
Dr David JordanProf. David Jordan, Canada

17.20 AGM in Lecture Theatre

18.10 Close

19.00 Gala Dinner (Black tie or national dress) at the Divinity School, Bodleian Library


Scientific Programme
Day two

Friday 21st July 2023
Keble College Oxford


08.15 Registration in Arco Building with tea, coffee and pastries at the trade exhibition in the Marquee and e-posters in ARCO

09.00 All lectures in Lecture Theatre, Sloane Robinson Building
Welcome, housekeeping and introductions
Tristan McMullanMr. Tristan McMullan, Northampton

09.05 Session I
Free Papers
Chaired by Mr Tristan Reuser, Birmingham &
Tristan McMullanMr Tristan McMullan, Northampton

9.05 am
Complications of facial dermal fillers imaged with 3-D Magnetic Resonance Imaging – A Cohort Study. 201
Michelle Khan (view abstract)
University of Toronto

9.10 am
Real World outcomes of immunosuppression in Thyroid Eye Disease (TED) in a single center multi-ethnic cohort 202
Vickie Lee (view abstract)
Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust

9.15 am
To evaluate the efficacy of a steroid-sparing treatment protocol for thyroid eye disease. 203
Aoife Naughton (view abstract)
Oxford Eye Hospital

9.20 am
Longitudinal Graves Orbitopathy Quality of life outcome measures (GOQOL) visual function (VF) and appearance (AP) in patients treated with systemic immunosuppression at a Multi-disciplinary Thyroid eye Disease (MDTED) service 204
Radhika Patel (view abstract)
Western Eye Hospital

9.25 am
Orbital biopsy in Scotland: 10 year review of a tertiary orbital service 205
Timothy Beckman (view abstract)
Tennent Institute of Ophthalmology / Gartnavel General Hospital

9.30 am
Transorbital neuroendoscopic surgery (TONES) – the orbit as a corridor to inaccessible spaces 206
Meydan Ben Ishai (view abstract)
Rabin Medical Center

9.35 am
Strategic Approach to Current Oculoplastic Dilemmas 207
Mohamad Abdalla (view abstract)
Birmingham Midland Eye Centre

9.40 am
Anatomical Three-dimensional Orbital Models (ATOMS) – how big is the step from models to theatre? 208
Yarrow Scantling-Birch (view abstract)
Whipps Cross Hospital, Barts Health NHS Trust, London, UK

9.45 Closing remarks

09.50 Session II
Chaired by
Manoj ParulekarMr Manoj Parulekar, Birmingham & Oxford &
Miss Katya Tambe, Nottingham

09.50 Benign proliferative disorders of the paediatric orbit: advances in management
Ms Alison Foster, Consultant Geneticist, Birmingham

10.10 Volume replacement after paediatric exenteration and enucleation
Manoj ParulekarMr Manoj Parulekar, Birmingham and Oxford

10.30 The Paediatric ptosis; what not to miss
Richard HarradMr. Richard Harrad, Bristol

10.50 Tea, Coffee at the trade exhibition in the Marquee and e-posters in ARCO

11.20 Session III
Chaired by Mr Daniel Morris, Cardiff &
Sachin SalviMr Sachin Salvi, Sheffield

11.20 How to break bad news
Ms Amanda Salisbury, Clinical Oncologist, Oxford

11.40 Management of the contracted socket
Miss Zanna Currie, Sheffield

12.00 External approaches to the orbit: my approach
Sachin SalviMr Sachin Salvi, Sheffield

12.20 KEYNOTE: Endoscopic orbital surgery; pulling it out the nose
Dinesh SelvaProf. Dinesh Selva, Australia

12.50 Leeds 2024

12.55 – 14.05
Lunch break – when not in dining hall visit exhibitors in the marquee, e-posters and video station in ARCO rooms

12.55 – 13.25
Sitting 1 in Dining Hall = blue lunch ticket – starter & main in Dining Hall, pudding & coffee in marquee

13.35 – 14.05
Sitting 2 in Dining Hall = green lunch ticket – all courses in Dining Hall

14.10 Session IV
Chaired by
Daniel EzraMr Daniel Ezra, London &
Hunter MacleanMr Hunter Maclean, Portsmouth

14.10 Scar Wars; managing that tricky scar
Bruche-RichardMr Bruce Richard, Consultant Plastic Surgeon, Birmingham

14.30 An algorithm for the swollen eyelid
Miss Tarang Gupta, London

14.50 Fillers in NHS practice: reconstructive applications and picking up the pieces from the private sector
Daniel EzraMr Daniel Ezra, London

15.10 KEYNOTE: How to deal with complications of cosmetic surgery
Dr David JordanProf. David Jordan, Canada

15.40 DEBATES moderated by
lucy-clarkeMiss Lucy Clarke, Newcastle

15.40 Should we stop blood thinners?
Hunter MacleanMr. Hunter MacLean, Portsmouth vs

Joyce BurnsMrs Joyce Burns, Leicester

15.55 Is Eugogo the right path for all?
Anne-CookMiss Anne Cook, Manchester vs

Colin VizeMr. Colin Vize, Hull

16.10 History of BOPSS
Carole JonesMiss Carole Jones, Maidstone

16.20 Collin Fellowship Prizewinner

Dr Kishikova, Middlesbrough Team (2022 winner)

16.25 BOPSS annual prize giving
Colin VizeMr. Colin Vize, President of BOPSS

16.30 Farewell and safe journey home!



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