The BOPSS annual publication prize aims to encourage our junior staff and promote research in adnexal ophthalmology. The prize will be awarded to the best peer-reviewed article on some aspect of adnexal ophthalmology that has been published during the twelve month period before March each year.
All entrants must be first authors and should be neither consultants nor associate specialists when the work was submitted for publication. The work should have been carried out in collaboration with a full member of BOPSS. The BOPSS Research and Awards Advisory Committee will consider applications.
The prize is £500 and will be awarded during the annual meeting. We request that you encourage any member of your team who has published original work on adnexal ophthalmology to submit an application for this prize.
Publication eligibility
Adnexal ophthalmology
Peer reviewed
Published March to end of February this year
First author neither consultant nor associated specialist when submitted to journal
Work done in collaboration with full BOPSS member
Closing date 30th May
1. Electronic applications are preferred, via the link above, a full text PDF of the publication and the following information:
Name (of first author)
Institution where work was carried out.
BOPSS member associated with this work
Date of publication in print
Title and full reference