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Membership Application

In order to become a member of BOPSS, you need to submit an application and supporting documentation. Please fill in the webform below and attach the PDF documents as requested on the form.

Documentation required for Full Membership: CV, Certificate of Completion of Specialist Training (CCST) or Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT) or Certificate of Eligibility of Specialist Registration (CEST) and a summary of experience document.

More information about membership categories can be found in the Bye-laws.

All member applications will take approximately two – four weeks to process. If approved, your membership will be complete once we receive payment. Please login to your website dashboard where you will find details of how to pay in the membership section.

Please note that if you are a trainee and have applied for trainee membership this will last for a maximum of three years. You will be able to renew on an annual basis after that. We expect most trainee applicants to be senior oculoplastic fellows or SpR or ST4 or above. Once you have finished training or are listed on the GMC’s specialist register your trainee membership ends and you must reapply for full membership status

Benefits of membership

  • Membership of a prestigious society
  • Orbit Journal full on-line access (extra fee for Trainee members)
  • Discounted registration for annual scientific meeting
  • Awards: Eligibility for annual Publication and Collin Scholarship awards
  • Downloadable patient information leaflets and surgical complications lists for consent forms
  • Voting rights at the Annual General Meeting and for committee member elections (Full members only)
  • Eligibility for election to the Committee (Full members only)
  • Website publicity: Inclusion of your name, hospital and sub-speciality (Full members only)
  • Access to Case discussion forum

You need to be logged in to submit an application.

Please login using the link at the top of the page, if you do not see the form below.

If you don’t have an account on this website, please first create one here.

When you click SUBMIT it will be sent to the committee for review. If you want to save a draft to be able to edit the form at a later date, please press “Save draft”, so that it is not submitted for review

Previous Entries

View previous entries. Do not edit these if you want to make new application or upgrade from an exiting membership, please go to “Submit new application” to do this.


Submit new application or upgrade

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