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BOPSS Bye-laws

(Policy updated August 2023 – 1.1.4 edited)

Article 1. Conditions of membership
(Dec 2018)

1.1 Eligibility

1.1.1  Full member – Consultant ophthalmologists with a significant oculoplastic sub-specialty interest, who are committed to the practice, research and teaching of eyelid, lacrimal and orbital surgery; who have evidence of this through their clinical practice, research, publications, presentations and teaching, which satisfies the Membership Advisory Committee and the Executive Committee. Full membership is applicable to surgeons who are primarily based in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland, and whose main employment is in the NHS or private practice, having been awarded Certificate of Eligibility of Specialist Registration (CEST) by the GMC. Membership guidelines are available from the Secretary.

Full member subscription is £150 per year, (renewed each July)

1.1.2  Associate member  – Accredited oculoplastic specialists who are primarily based in countries outside the UK and Republic of Ireland and whose main employment is outside the UK.
Oculoplastic surgeons who are primarily UK based and working as Associate Specialists in the field but not yet obtained Certificate of Eligibility of Specialist Registration (CEST)
Accredited Oculoplastic Surgeons who trained abroad and are working in the UK but not yet obtained Certificate of Eligibility of Specialist Registration (CEST)

Benefits include: Discounted rate for Annual Meeting, Membership listing but Associate status noted on website

NB Associates do not have voting rights

Associates subscriptions are £50 per year (£90 with access to Orbit Journal), (renewed each July)

1.1.3  Honorary member  – Honour bestowed upon a retired longstanding BOPSS member (minimum 10 years) or an allied professional who has provided significant support to the Society, or made a major contribution to the sub-specialty.

Benefits: no membership fee and no voting rights.

Potential candidates will be proposed by Executive Committee, circulated to members and presented for ratification at the AGM.

Honorary members pay for attending annual meetings.

1.1.4  Trainee member – Trainee ophthalmologists with a demonstrable commitment to oculoplastic surgery. This type of membership will expire following substantive appointment or after three years (whichever is sooner)*.
*amended and approved by members at the BOPSS AGM, 20th July 2023

Trainee subscriptions are £50 per year, (renewed each July)

1.1.5 Retired members – Former full members of the Society who have retired from all active practice.

Benefits: no voting rights and a reduced membership fee of £50.

Retired members pay for attending the meeting.

1.2 Applications

1.2.1 Online application. To include a curriculum vitae and evidence of substantial oculoplastic involvement, for consideration by the Membership Advisory Committee who will make recommendations for Membership for final agreement by the Executive Committee.

1.2.2  Sponsorship. Sponsorship is required from two existing Members of BOPSS or recognised authority. In the absence of a sponsor, the applicant may be admitted after being contacted by two members nominated by the Executive Committee who shall determine the applicants bone fide status.

1.2.3  Membership Advisory Committee. Applications and nominations will be considered by this committee. The Chairman will be a present or immediate past Executive Committee Officer with two additional members, one of whom may be a current member of the Executive Committee.  The membership advisory committee will be nominated by the Executive Committee. Each member will serve a maximum of three years. They shall evaluate the submitted applications for membership and shall recommend to the Executive Committee those who fulfil membership criteria.

1.2.4  Executive Committee agreement. The Committee’s decision on matters of membership shall be confirmed at the A.G.M.

1.3 Membership benefits

1.3.1  Vote. Full members only will attend the Annual General Meeting and be eligible to vote.

1.3.2 Election to the Committee. Full members only will be eligible for election.

1.4 Membership subscription

1.4.1  Annual subscription. All members will pay an annual subscription, the amount to be determined periodically by the Committee and ratified at the next Annual General Meeting. This shall be payable by credit card (via WorldPay/Stripe/other online gateway) or Direct Debit (via GoCardless) by July in advance.

1.4.2  Subscription arrears. A member, whose subscription is at least 12 months in arrears and who has been duly notified, shall cease to be a member of the Society. With the consent of the Committee, the member may be reinstated on payment of arrears.

1.5 Membership list

The names, postal and e-mail addresses of full, associate, honorary and trainee members will be stored on a computer and each person regularly circulated with details of meetings, lectures, publications, web-site. The list will be available for inspection by members on request. The information in any list of members shall be deemed confidential and may not be passed on to, sold, or leased to any person without written permission of the Committee.

Article 2. Officers of B.O.P.S.S.

The six Officers of B.O.P.S.S. comprise the following: President, Executive Secretary, Treasurer, Meeting Secretary, Assistant Meeting Secretary, plus either the President Elect or the Past President. The terms of office of the President Elect and the Past President do not coincide.

2.1 Election of Officers

Election of the President Elect, the Executive Secretary and the Treasurer shall take place at the AGM of B.O.P.S.S. (the “AGM”). Nominees for office shall be proposed in advance and elected by a majority of members of the Society present. The term of each office shall commence on the first day of July, or two months after the AGM, whichever is closest.
It is expected that any presidential candidate should have prior experience of and involvement in the society at committee level.
Election of the Meeting Secretary shall take place at the AGM. Any member may propose to host the Annual Scientific Meeting. The host chosen by the majority of members of the Society present will become the Meeting Secretary for the year leading up to the Annual Scientific Meeting that they host.
The appointment of the President, the Past President and the Assistant Meeting Secretary to the Executive Committee will follow on from the term of office for which they were elected.

2.2 The President

2.2.1 Term of office. Shall be for two years, non re-electable for a second term.

2.2.2 Responsibilities. Act as Chairman of the Executive Committee.

2.3  The Executive Secretary

2.3.1. Term of Office. Shall be for three years, and shall be eligible for re-election for an additional term of three years. Each term will commence in July, or two months after the AGM, whichever is the closest.

2.3.2 Responsibilities. Member of the Executive Committee. Record all minutes and proceedings of the Society and Executive Committee, circulate minutes of these meetings. Keep copies of all Society correspondence and meetings. Receive and evaluate each application for membership and present completed applications to the Executive Committee for consideration. The Secretary has the option to maintain the website, or may delegate this to a non-executive member, with agreement of the Executive Committee. Keep a list of former Officers of the Society and a list of current members.

2.4 The Treasurer

2.4.1 Term of Office. Shall be for three years, and shall be eligible for re-election for an additional term of three years. Each term will commence in July or two months after the AGM, whichever is the shortest. The Treasurer will continue in a non-voting capacity for a further year to assist the incoming Treasurer in order to smooth the transition.

2.4.2 Responsibilities. Member of the Executive Committee. Shall collect dues from Society members on an annual basis (by 1st February of each year for that coming year). Keep full and accurate accounts of receipts and disbursements in electronic or printed form, which will be the property of the Society. Deposit all funds to the credit of the Society and in the account designated by the Executive Committee. Provide annual account of all transactions to the President and Executive Committee. Provide a statement of the financial condition of the Society at the AGM.

2.5 Meeting Secretary

2.5.1 Term of Office. Shall have a term of office of approximately one year, from one Annual Scientific Meeting to the next, after which the Meeting Secretary will become the Assistant Meeting Secretary.

2.5.2 Responsibilities. Member of the Executive Committee. Work under the guidance and advice of the Executive Committee, with the Assistant Meeting Secretary, to organise and notify members of the Annual Scientific Meeting. Arrange publicity for that meeting. The Executive Committee will approve the budget proposals and plans of the Meeting Secretary well in advance of the Annual Scientific Meeting.

2.6 Assistant Meeting Secretary

2.6.1 Term of Office. Shall have served as Meeting Secretary for one year, as the person who has supervised the previous year’s Annual Scientific Meeting. Shall have a term of office of approximately one year (from one Annual Scientific Meeting to the next).

2.6.2 Responsibilities. Member of the Executive Committee. Assist the Meeting Secretary.

2.7. President Elect

2.7.1 Term of Office. Shall be for one year, then become the President.

2.7.2 Responsibilities. Member of the Executive Committee. Work with the Executive Committee on all aspects of B.O.P.S.S., taking responsibilities of the President as necessary.

2.8 The Past President

2.8.1 Term of Office. Shall have served as President for the term immediately prior to the appointment of the current President. Shall have a term of office of one year.

2.8.2 Responsibilities. Member of the Executive Committee. Work with the Executive Committee on all aspects of B.O.P.S.S., taking responsibilities of the President as necessary.

Article 3. Powers of the Committee

3.1 Raise funds. Raise funds and to invite and receive contributions provided that in doing so the committee will not undertake any substantial permanent trading activities and shall conform to any relevant requirements of the law. Buy, lease or sell property for the purpose of housing the Society.

3.2 Representation. To provide representation for oculoplastics within the medical profession and other spheres.

3.3 Communication. Co-operate with charities, voluntary bodies and statutory authorities in furtherance of the aims, to exchange information and advice with them.

3.4 Information. Disseminate information promoting the highest standards of education, training and practice for oculoplastics for the general benefits of patients.

3.5  Clinical standards and governance. Provide guidance for setting clinical standards and clinical governance in oculoplastics.

Article 4. Executive Committee Meetings

The President, Executive Secretary, Treasurer, Meeting Secretary, Assistant Meeting Secretary, plus either the President Elect or the Past President are eligible to attend all Executive Committee meetings. These six officers shall constitute the Executive Committee of the Society.

If, and to the extent that, the Society has any Regional Representatives, their appointment, duties, and eligibility to attend Executive Committee meetings are as listed on the Website of the Society from time to time.

4.1 Number of Executive Committee meetings. The Executive Committee shall meet on sufficient occasions (but not less than 3 times a year) to carry out the business of the Society.

4.2 Chair. Normally the President will chair all meetings, but in his or her absence, the place may be taken by one of the Officers in the order of priority: Past President, President Elect, Executive Secretary, Treasurer.

4.3 Quorum. A quorum of the Executive Committee shall consist of no less than three executive Officers of the Society.

4.4 Minutes. The minutes of each Executive Committee meeting shall be approved and signed by the President at the subsequent meeting.

4.5 Exclusion. Any member of the Executive Committee who fails to attend three consecutive meetings without having notified an Officer in advance, and without an acceptable reason, may be asked to resign.

4.6 Confidentiality. Matters discussed at Executive Committee meetings are strictly confidential and can only be made public by a decision of the Executive Committee. Decisions made by the Executive Committee on behalf of the members will be made public to the members by letter, website, at the AGM, or by any other appropriate form of communication.

Article 5. Annual Scientific Meeting

5.1 Frequency. At least one scientific meeting will take place each year.

5.2 Notification. The Committee shall convene meetings and Members shall be notified of time and place six months in advance.

5.3 Commercial sponsorship. Contributions from commercial and other sources may be introduced at the Committee’s discretion.

5.4 Publications. All delegates should be aware that discussions held at the meetings are private and may not be published without the consent of the Committee. It is recommended that presentations which are subsequently published in peer reviewed Journals should contain a statement that the work was presented at B.O.P.S.S. and the year given.

Article 6. Annual General Meeting

6.1 Annual General Meeting. The Annual General Meeting shall be held annually normally at the time of a scientific meeting.

6.2 Voting majority. Unless otherwise provided in this Constitution, all motions shall require a simple majority of votes of Members present.

6.3 Agenda. The agenda for an AGM and the minutes of the previous AGM shall be circulated to members at least two weeks ahead.

6.4 Voting entitlement. Only Full Members shall be entitled to be present and vote at General Meetings.

6.5 Quorum. Thirty Members shall constitute a quorum.

6.6 Casting vote. Where necessary the President shall exercise a casting vote.

6.7. Minutes. The Minutes of the previous AGM will be circulated and will be signed by the President.

6.8. Reports. The Annual General Meeting shall receive the reports of the President, the Secretary, Treasurer and the Meeting Secretary.

6.9 Accounts. The accounts will be ratified and signed.

6.10 Extraordinary General Meetings. These can be convened at the instigation of the Council or at the request of at least ten Members of B.O.P.S.S. There must be at least four weeks written notice to Members. Only the motions set out in that notice may be discussed and voted upon at the Extraordinary General Meeting.

Article 7. Finance

7.1 Finance. Bank Accounts shall be maintained in the name of BOPSS with institutions approved by the Committee.

7.2 Cheques. The Treasurer and Secretary shall be empowered to sign the cheques of behalf of the Association.

7.3 Payments. No portion of BOPSS funds shall be paid or transferred either directly or indirectly to any Member of BOPSS except in payment of legitimate expenses incurred on behalf of BOPSS or as an advance agreed by the Treasurer to set up an account for running a meeting of the Society.

7.4 Financial year. The financial year shall end on 31st December each year and the Treasurer shall present audited accounts at the next AGM.

7.5 Auditor. The Society will have an official auditor. The auditor, who need not be a Member but must not be an Officer or a Council Member, may be elected at the AGM to act for the ensuing year.

7.6 Access to bank accounts will be shared between Treasurer, Secretary and immediate past Treasurer.

Article 8. Amendments to the constitution

8.1 Amendments. Any proposed changes to this constitution shall be set out in detail in the notice circulated to Members in which the Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting is called.

8.2 Majority vote. Any change in this constitution shall require a vote. There must be a two-thirds majority of the members, and a quorum of at least 30 members present at the Annual or Extraordinary General Meeting. Members not attending must be able to register a postal vote in advance of the meeting, which will be counted at the meeting.

8.3 Dissolution of BOPSS. A motion for dissolution of BOPSS is to be proposed at an Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting. Any such motion shall be referred to specifically when notice of the Meeting is given.

8.4 Notice of dissolution. At least four weeks notice shall be given to Members of any motion to terminate BOPSS.

8.5 Confirmation of dissolution. BOPSS may be dissolved if the motion is voted by two-thirds majority at the Annual or Extraordinary General Meeting. This has to be subsequently confirmed by a simple majority at a further Extraordinary General Meeting, held not less than 14 days after the previous Meeting.

8.6 Transfer of funds. If BOPSS is dissolved, the funds shall be transferred to one or other institutions having similar or reasonably similar objects chosen by the Committee and approved by the Meeting of BOPSS at which the decision to dissolve BOPSS is confirmed. On dissolution, the Minutes and other records of the Association shall be deposited with any institution the Committee should deem appropriate.

Revised Dec 2018

BOPSS Address
The BOPSS Treasurer,
c/o The Royal College of Ophthalmologists,
18 Stephenson Way,
London, NW1 2HD
